All my projects are made + optimized for usb sticks, however you can download them to computer and be fine. They are broken up into smaller, more manageable files because not everyone has the same space and not everyone needs 30+ gb of games on their computer / usb stick. These files are changing semi-frequently, so check back every few months for possible updates
If you're going the usb stick route, I suggest a 32gb without an activity light (so teachers don't suspect you while it looks like a bomb that's about to explode)
I fully condone playing in class <--- Free online tool used to combine the downloaded parts to one real file.
***Pieces of files WILL NOT work unless fully joined by all other pieces of that file***
Everything in 1 folder (Fuckin massive file btw)
Game folders
GB-A-C (GameBoys)
Other Games (Literally random games I decided to include) (they run on their own, so no setup / extracting, just follow the damn instructions)
Dolphin (Wii + Gamecube)
Instructions for idiots
Sadly no Gamecube games rn but i'm looking into it